What are the great metrics to measure a successful Mobile App Strategy?

For businesses to stand the test of time and survive through ever changing market environments and needs require a strategy for success. If your business depends on successful mobile app development you then must start by defining what it means to you. How do you measure success, what are the right metrics?

There are basically four kinds of metrics:
• Performance: The focus of these metrics are on the customer experience as it uses your app.
• User and usage: Marketing uses these metrics as indicators on customer demographics.
• Engagement: These metrics tell how users are engaging with your app.
• Business: These metrics answer the impact of your app on important business questions like revenue.

Performance metrics

Customers hate it when their app crashes, so you want to know about it. An example definition of a performance metric is app crashes per load attempts or you could relate it to performing a particular operation.

Your app probably needs to access other services and the time to get your request in and out is called latency and is usually measured in milliseconds. Latency directly impacts how a customer perceives your app as fast or slow. Another latency related metric is how well your app responds to increasing loads. You can have a low latency at the start but as the customer interacts with it and the request queue grows it may start to slow down significantly.

Usage and demographics metrics

Your development team can find out about your user base as a monthly or daily active users metric. This is very important if your mobile app development business model relies on advertising revenue.

More details about your user base can be obtained from knowing which mobile devices and OS they use. This metric helps you focus and prioritize your mobile app development efforts according to your user’s platform of choice.

Knowing where your user base is located is also very important for app development. Are you reaching out to a global market? Where are the majority of your customers? Do you want to target aspects of your app by geography?

Engagement metrics

A key indicator of how much your customers like or dislike your app is by looking at engagement metrics.

Session length is a measure of time between app open and close. A long time is a strong indicator that your app is useful and liked.

Session interval is another time measurement showing how much time a user spent on a particular function. With this knowledge, you can streamline your continuous improvement program and focus your value-added efforts on the functions that attract your user base.

Your app can be downloaded millions of times and you may consider that a success. But is it really? Retention rate measures the percentage of customers that return after that initial engagement. By combining this metric with others your app development team can work on personalization features. Your user base may not be gigantic but those who are can be turned into loyal paying customers.

Business metrics

You may have to pay some of your distribution channels and you want to know if they are really worth the expense. The acquisition cost metric tells you from which channel your customers are coming from.

Transaction revenue metric is very useful for apps that support retail product and service transactions such as shopping and travel.

Abandonment rate metric is one you want to watch very carefully. It is a ratio of transactions abandoned vs. transactions initiated. Transactions may be abandoned due to performance, experience, or expectation issues and your app development team must be on top of it and devise fixes to prevent customers from going away.

Once you have a user base and a business model that seems to be working you want to think long term. Lifetime value will be then your primary revenue metric. Your mobile app’s value is measured in relation to how much your users are worth during the time they are using it. Lifetime value is not only revenue in dollars but can be used to measure social sharing indicators, a number of articles read, or another measure of value that is important to you.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children

ADHD is the most common behavioural disorder in the UK and tends to start at an early age.

In this article:

What is ADHD?


Advice & Support


Effect on your life



What is ADHD?
ADHD mainly affects children (3–9 per cent of school-aged children and young people in the UK) and consists of a combination of hyperactivity and an inability to concentrate on anything for more than a very short period of time.

Boys are more commonly diagnosed with ADHD than girls. However, behavioural psychologists suggest that this may be because of some differences in behaviour between genders (see Symptoms section below).

The symptoms of ADHD can range from mild to severe, and include:

persistent restlessness

excessive impulsiveness

excessive inattention

being easily distracted

constant fidgeting

an inability to ‘wait your turn’ in situations where this is required, and

a tendency to become withdrawn and ‘dreamy’ (behaviour usually displayed by girls with ADHD, rather than boys, whose overall behaviour is livelier)

Other problems children with ADHD may have to cope with include:

sleep disorders

low self-esteem

learning difficulties, and

a tendency towards anxiety and depression

Symptoms usually become apparent at around the age of five.

The exact cause of ADHD is as yet unknown. However, in-depth research consisting of clinical interviews, trials and observational psychological studies into ADHD have led to the following suggestions as being possible causes as to why some children develop the condition:

Genetics – an inherited imbalance of neurotransmitters (chemicals that transmit nerve signals to the brain). Usually a parent or a close relative also has the condition.

Diet – some food additives can aggravate hyperactive behaviour (these can be found in foods like ice cream and confectionery).

Antenatal and Obstetric problems – premature babies and babies with a low birth weight can be prone to developing ADHD, as can babies of mothers who smoke, drink alcohol and use recreational drugs during pregnancy.

Severe deprivation – where maternal deprivation occurs in the child’s early ‘mother–infant’ attachment stage.

If your child is displaying the aforementioned symptoms and you suspect that they may have ADHD then make an appointment with your GP to confirm an accurate diagnosis. (Please note: it may be that your child’s school will first raise the issue regarding your child’s hyperactive behaviour and inability to concentrate.)

Your GP will make a diagnostic assessment which may include:

a discussion with your child

a physical examination (to rule out other possible cause such as thyroid problems)

memory tests, and

problem-solving skills

If your GP diagnoses ADHD, your child will be referred to a specialist who will be able to recommend appropriate treatment and advise you how you can best cope with and manage your child’s condition.

Effect on your life
Having a hyperactive child can be exhausting. They may be unable to sit still, especially in quiet and calm surroundings. They may also display excessive physical movement and find it almost impossible to settle to any kind of tasks at all. They might also run anywhere – even where/when it is completely inappropriate.

If your child suffers from ADHD, don’t despair. There are lots of people in your situation. There is also a lot of help out there and strategies you can use to make coping easier as time passes. What’s more, many parents of children with ADHD find that their child is often singled out as being particularly charismatic, creative, lively and infectiously energetic – a positive child for other children to be around.

As yet, ADHD cannot be cured. However, there are drug and non-drug treatment options that can help greatly. These can include a parent training programme where you can learn techniques and strategies to help you cope with and manage your child’s condition, with a view to improving your family’s daily life overall.

Medication can definitely also help some children (where parent training proves unsuccessful), with Ritalin being the main one prescribed in the UK. Ritalin helps improve concentration levels and reduces hyperactive behaviour in children.

Note: Make your trips to the supermarket with your child short; watch only short films at the cinema with them; and always choose activities where your child will not have to sit for long periods.

Activities where your child gets to burn up energy for a while before needing to knuckle down for an hour or so can be a good idea. For example, many parents find that taking their child climbing can result in the child being better able to concentrate on things like homework for an hour or two when they return home.

It can also be useful to help your child understand why they behave as they do.

Advice & Support
National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service
Tel: 020 8952 2800
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.addiss.co.uk

Hyperactive Children’s Support Group
Tel. 01243 539 966
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.hacsg.org.uk

This information and advice is not intended to replace the advice of your GP or chemist. Chemist Online is also not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based upon the content of the Chemist Online website. Chemist Online is also not liable for the contents of any external internet sites listed, nor does it endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on any of the sites.


How Does an ECMO Machine Play as the Rescuer to Save Your Little Infant?

EMCO refers to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation which is a highly sophisticated medical device used for treatment involves pumping and blood circulation through an artificial lung’s back into the bloodstream of an extremely ill baby. This device provides support to heart-lung bypass as well at the time of open-heart surgery backup.The United States Chess Federation or USCF is now employing a smaller lightweight and portable ECMO machine which can be easily carried through an ambulance or an airplane a helicopter to relief in an emergency heart patient.TypesIt has two types of machines. While the VA ECMO is used for connecting to an artery and a vein for solving problems related to solving problems of the heart and lungs, VV ECMO is related to one or more veins problem in the lungs.What is the purpose of the device?ECMO is used for newborn babies who are having problems of breathing or heart-related issues. It is used for providing enough oxygen to a sick baby by supplying oxygen while allowing time for the heart and lungs to the rest of healing.RisksECMO machine carries a series of risks such as:Bleeding caused by the medication that’s provided to prevent blood-clotting in the tubing;Transfusion issues in a person or baby;Air bubbles or blood clots forming in the tubes;Increased risk of stroke; Respiratory failure or acute respiratory distress symptomThe most widespread conditions where the use of ECMO is vital for life for the baby:• Birth defects of the heart;• Severe pneumonia;• MAS or Me-conium aspiration syndrome;• Severe air leaking problems;• High blood pressure found in arteries of the lungs;• Also in course of recovery after heart surgery;Typically the main components of the ECMO machine:Heat exchanger;Membrane oxygenator;Centrifugal pump;Circuit tubing;Acute respiratory distress;How is an infant placed on ECMO?For using the ECMO machine, the insight and knowledge of a large team of nurses and supervising doctors are used for stabilizing an infant. A well-equipped non-infected setup is a must for using the medical device. Surgery is necessary for attaching the device to a baby’s neck and catheters are used to the groin.When a baby is linked to an ECMO machine, blood flows through a tube to that artificial lung connected to a machine which inputs oxygen and expels out carbon dioxide and thus the blood is kept warm at the level of the body temperature and equally pumped back into the body of the baby.Before the session, a baby is kept in the pediatric intensive care unit for having necessary surgeries for fitting the tubes. A surgeon or ECMO doctor informs the parents about the possible problems for using the device, while you need signing the parental consent form.