How Does an ECMO Machine Play as the Rescuer to Save Your Little Infant?

EMCO refers to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation which is a highly sophisticated medical device used for treatment involves pumping and blood circulation through an artificial lung’s back into the bloodstream of an extremely ill baby. This device provides support to heart-lung bypass as well at the time of open-heart surgery backup.The United States Chess Federation or USCF is now employing a smaller lightweight and portable ECMO machine which can be easily carried through an ambulance or an airplane a helicopter to relief in an emergency heart patient.TypesIt has two types of machines. While the VA ECMO is used for connecting to an artery and a vein for solving problems related to solving problems of the heart and lungs, VV ECMO is related to one or more veins problem in the lungs.What is the purpose of the device?ECMO is used for newborn babies who are having problems of breathing or heart-related issues. It is used for providing enough oxygen to a sick baby by supplying oxygen while allowing time for the heart and lungs to the rest of healing.RisksECMO machine carries a series of risks such as:Bleeding caused by the medication that’s provided to prevent blood-clotting in the tubing;Transfusion issues in a person or baby;Air bubbles or blood clots forming in the tubes;Increased risk of stroke; Respiratory failure or acute respiratory distress symptomThe most widespread conditions where the use of ECMO is vital for life for the baby:• Birth defects of the heart;• Severe pneumonia;• MAS or Me-conium aspiration syndrome;• Severe air leaking problems;• High blood pressure found in arteries of the lungs;• Also in course of recovery after heart surgery;Typically the main components of the ECMO machine:Heat exchanger;Membrane oxygenator;Centrifugal pump;Circuit tubing;Acute respiratory distress;How is an infant placed on ECMO?For using the ECMO machine, the insight and knowledge of a large team of nurses and supervising doctors are used for stabilizing an infant. A well-equipped non-infected setup is a must for using the medical device. Surgery is necessary for attaching the device to a baby’s neck and catheters are used to the groin.When a baby is linked to an ECMO machine, blood flows through a tube to that artificial lung connected to a machine which inputs oxygen and expels out carbon dioxide and thus the blood is kept warm at the level of the body temperature and equally pumped back into the body of the baby.Before the session, a baby is kept in the pediatric intensive care unit for having necessary surgeries for fitting the tubes. A surgeon or ECMO doctor informs the parents about the possible problems for using the device, while you need signing the parental consent form.