3 questions answered

3 questions answered

Reasons Why You Undergo Breast Augmentation Surgeries in Dubai
Breast augmentation has a dramatic effect on a woman’s appearance & self-esteem. Aside from simply increasing their fullness, replacing the volume and changing their position, it can also be used to balance un-proportioned breasts, making them more symmetrical & aesthetically pleasing.

With today’s naturally shaped implants, techniques, a wide range of sizes & types of implants, the final results can look astonishing.

During a breast augmentation procedure, an implant may be placed either over the muscle or under the muscle. It depends on each patient (implant’s type and size, patient’s health history & body type).

There are certain benefits and drawbacks for each technique.

Over the muscle placement (sub-glandular)


Implant is placed between the breast tissue and the chest muscle.

Slightly easier & less invasive procedure

Lower recovery time and post-operative discomfort

More cleavage created

Larger implants can be utilized

Implants don’t get distorted when the pectoral muscles are flexed


Less natural results

Lesser support of implants could result in stretch marks and blemishes

Visible rippling

More mammogram distortion (requires several views)

Higher capsule contracture

Implant could “bottom out”

Future procedures become more risky

Under the muscle placement (sub-muscular)


Natural look

Reduced risk of visible rippling

Higher supports (better for your skin)

Reduced capsular contracture risk

Less distortion of mammograms

Decreased risk “bottoming out”

Safer choice future procedures


Perceived as more invasive procedure

Longer recovery time

Implants can distort when the muscle is flexed

Larger implants cannot be utilized (depending on the patient’s body type)

It’s fair to say that breast augmentation has the dramatic effect on a woman’s appearance & self-esteem.

Ways to bring back Ultimate Beauty
Just take a ride down Jumeirah Beach Road in Dubai and you will get to understand how beauty became an industry.

From there, you can cherry-pick how would you like to pamper yourself and enhance your beauty.

Many clinics down that road offers both cosmetic facial skincare and/or aesthetic procedures such as surgeries.

The popular Botox for removing facial wrinkles and fillers for restoring the youth are such examples of a minimal downtime procedure, also known as Lunch-break procedure.

On the other hand, invasive surgeries like body contouring surgeries are rising in popularities in the GCC region.

Breast augmentation or lifts are popular for women, Male breast aka gynecomastia for men. But there is this one procedure that is most popular of them all, and yes it is liposuction.

Liposuction surgery advanced a great deal during the past 10 years. It has become an art, sculpting. You see, it is not only important what do you remove, but what do you keep and how do you “as a surgeon” redistribute the collected fat.

Indeed, the collected fat is not thrown away anymore!! It is rather grafted back in different locations to obtain a new harmony and Body shape.

But please, let us not forget the face, whether it is a nose job, eyelid surgery or a facelift that you seek all you have to do is to stay on that road.

How You Can Afford Plastic Surgery in Dubai!:
Nowadays, cheap plastic surgery offers are everywhere!!

But please think twice and stay alert because you are not rich enough to buy cheap.

The cost of aesthetic surgery is high for a good reason, so let’s break the price into two-component.

first is the price of the running cost (operation room, the staff in the hospital, the stay at the hospital and other consumables, etc.).

Second: the Surgeon’s fee, not only for the initial consultation and how much effort he or she puts in it, but the planning for the surgery and the surgery itself, surgical skills and years and years of practice to develop such skills and last but not least the follow-ups and the countless possibilities of potential complication and how to avoid and resolve them.

That being said, if you compare the coast of aesthetic surgery in Dubai with the rest of the world you will find it very similar. And last but not least, buy once and only cry once.

As you can already see, there are many ways and reasons for a person to enhance their beauty by any means, but when it comes to aesthetic surgery I always tend to understand the needs of my patient and make sure that we are on the same page.